The Empowerment Institute (TEI) was designed to provide access to relevant training and information – either developed internally or hosted in partnership with community organizations. 

Since its founding, TDH has become Safe Dates certified through an initiative of the Prince George’s County Department of Family Services targeting youth from ages 12-18. Additionally, The Empowerment Institute worked with the Clean County Cadet program to develop curriculum for, and facilitate environmental training to over 200 youth and young adults from all over Prince George’s County through the Summer Youth Employment Program in 2019. 

Since then, TDH has won two additional contracts from the Prince George’s County government. The first of which is through the County Circuit Courts, targeting youth who have been truant. TDH provides a Mentoring and Tutoring program for youth who have been referred to the program through the system.

The second contract is through the Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPW&T), where The Denney House has been contracted through the Storm Water Facility Maintenance program, to leading the beautification efforts of the 80+ ponds located throughout the county. This contract provides TDH with the opportunity to offer work to returning citizens where they will receive on the job training and certification through OSHA as well as the TDHWorks Program.

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© 2024  | The Denney House, Inc. |  Clinton, MD 20735